6.5 The appeal process:

As you’d expect, we must necessarily operate an appeals process. However, without prejudicing the outcome of an intended appeal, we should point out that the HOBO system has made the likelihood of an unfair decision regarding the award of a contract less likely than it would have been in the past. HOBO is, after all, geared to identify potential suppliers who have already done what they claim to be able to do – instead of selecting potential suppliers who then might need to start from scratch to generate the solution we need.

HOBO also, of course, generates quantitative data that ranks scores in a clinical way. Because of that, the outcome of the process should be fair – and demonstrably fair too.

It is still, nevertheless, an unavoidable truth that ordinarily only one supplier can win each contract. In the final analysis the awarding of that contract will never be a decision made by an individual, and certainly the relative merits of short-listed contenders are all properly considered as part of a system which must be accountable. If, having considered the above, you still wish to appeal a decision not to shortlist your business as a supplier on this occasion, or to award the contract to you, you are invited to contact us using the details below:

The Home Office
Direct Communications Unit
2 Marsham Street
London SW1P 4DF
United Kingdom

Telephone: +41 (0) 20 7035 4848

Email: HOBO.appeals@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk